Repent therefore and reform your lives, so that the record of your sins may be cancelled and that there may come seasons of revival from the Lord. (Acts 3:19 WNT)
Psalm 6 talks of King David asking God not to condemn or punish him in His fiery anger. That tells me that David obviously thought he had done something to deserve that from God. Psalm 32 also talks of David hiding sin from God.
Here’s what he says happened during those times: “my body wasted away, I groaned all day long, my energy was drained away, my strength was sapped, my inner life was devastated, my heart was heavy, I was sick, frail and weak, falling apart, worn out with weeping and groaning, tears soaked my pillow night after night, my eyes of faith didn’t focus anymore…” If that doesn’t sound like someone needing reviving, I don’t know what does!
But as soon as David confessed his sin look what happened in Psalm 32:1,2. What bliss!... What bliss! He goes on to say that he becomes surrounded with songs of gladness and joyous shouts, which I believe came from his heart. That sure sounds like a revived person to me!
Lord, as we daily confess and repent of our sins, may we enter into seasons of revival from you. Please help us to let go of those secret sins we can so easily hide, like resentment, bitterness, pride, greed, bad attitudes, disobedience, coveting, lust, and most of all, not trusting You in all things. As we do this, please fill us with songs of gladness and joyous shouts again and again. Amen.