Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. (Colossians 3:12, 14 NLT)
Have you ever yelled up the stairs to your child, “put on your clothes!” And that child does or doesn’t respond by putting on their clothes, or not! The frustration as a parent when your child doesn’t respond can be felt. Or it can also be such an unexpressed joy when that child walks downstairs, hair combed, clothes on, ready for the day ahead.
In this passage, we are told that God chose us. He called us. He loves us. And because of those things, we are commanded to clothe ourselves to be like Him. Not in that physical way (though surprisingly, it can be pretty physical at times to “put on” kindness!), but inside ourselves, shaping our character. Attributes like mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and, most of all, love. These are the clothes that we are called to put on.
So, one more thing about this clothing analogy, it requires action. You either put on the clothes or you don’t—there is no middle ground (except for a toddler in a diaper!). It takes decision and movement. Putting on mercy is a decision you make in the moment not to critique your spouse. Putting on kindness to that annoying co-worker. Putting on humility when you know you’re wrong and you need to confess. Being patient in a grocery store lineup, purposely slowing down and asking yourself why you need to rush. Being gentle with the neighbour’s cat…
Putting on. Clothing yourself with these character qualities. These are elements of seeing revival. If we want to see the BIG stuff happen, then let’s be faithful in the little things. Big movements cannot be sustained without the little changes in our character. You can choose today to capture the moment and PUT ON the needed character that reflects the very heart of God.
Ask Jesus for one character trait you need to put on today, and write it down to remind yourself!