If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. --James 1:26-27 ESV
If you’re listening with your spirit ears lately, you may hear or see rumblings about revival in your journaling or an awakening talked about from other spirit-led folks. I believe this is going to happen and perhaps has already started, with Church renewal and the discipleship clusters that are already impacting our church.
I have always been what I would call anti-religious (structured) and felt Jesus was God-led and more free - not strictly structured like some of the church services I have attended in my almost 50 years on this big blue ball we call earth. However, I have learned in the last few years of being discipled that I need to be deliberate or intentional in my walking with God. In the book of James 1 - James talks about religion, “If you seem religious but can’t bridle your tongue, your religion is in vain.” So, I need self-control which only comes by abiding in Jesus.
Also, he says, “pure religion is visiting the fatherless and widows in their affliction and keep yourself unstained from the world.” Just like I have found that my relationship with God requires me to deliberately invest time in prayer (hearing and petitions) and journaling, I feel like the next step in becoming “the church for the unchurched” will require a step of faith into the lives of the most downtrodden and hurt in our society. Loving the drunk, drug addict and the folks with mental illness and being Jesus to the children whose families are broken will need to become the action of our faith. Is this the key to a great awakening in our town and our church? I believe it is one of them.
I will ask you to do some fasting and listening on the following questions. What are some step prayers you can do to build your faith to step into being Jesus hands extended? What is the next step Holy Spirit is asking you to walk into?