"You're my place of quiet retreat. I wait for Your Word to renew me" (Psalm 119:114 MSG)
'Re' is a prefix meaning again, back, or to indicate repetition. REvive, REnew, REfresh, REsuscitate, REjuvenate, REcharge. You get the picture.
It's safe to say there is a reason we often see these words during our month of prayer and fasting. But the one thing I think we often forget about is REpetition. In particular, the action of constantly returning to a place of rest-a place in our minds that's quiet enough to embrace the Word and find renewal. This place is one that we can leave feeling refreshed, ready to face the day, the week, or whatever battle we might find ourselves in next.
Frequently, I find myself struggling with time. "I don't have time to clean today" or "I don't have time for my devotions today." It seems to me that everyone could use a few more hours in their day. Or maybe I just need to work on my time management skills. We get so caught up in schedules and to-dos we forget about that quiet place we can go to in order to find the rest we so desperately need to carry on. That place is with Jesus, and His office never closes. He's ready whenever we are. Sounds like a place we should REvisit as often as we can.
When was the last time you revisited a place of rest? How can you make this more of a priority going forward?