You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5:14 ESV)
Let there be LIGHT! Light is a fascinating phenomenon… it is electromagnetic radiation, it is a wave, it has packets of energy called photons, and it travels at an incredible speed of 299,792 km per second. Typically, in this world, a source of energy is required to provide light. Turn on the lights at home, and the darkness instantly disappears.
When winter conditions are such that the ice crystals in the air are aligned in a specific manner and light shines through them, a column of light is formed. This reminded me of a picture that God gave me a while ago. There was a pillar of light emanating from Evangel for all of Fort St. John to see…like a blazing beacon brightening up the entire night sky… a city on the hill. And Evangel, the building is symbolic of all the people of Evangel. We are the light.
The darkest night, You can light it up
You can light it up, oh God of revival
Let hope arise, death is overcome
You’ve already won, oh God of revival
God of Revival (Bethel Music)
We can be the light of the world if we choose to be plugged into the power source. John 15:5 Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Are we remaining or abiding in Jesus? Are we tapped into the vine for our source of nutrients, water, energy?
During this month of prayer and fasting, as you unplug from distractions, good or bad, make sure you stay connected to the real Source of power.
Today ask yourself: What am I doing to plug into the Source? And what can I do to be the light in my community?