I am the vine, you (are) the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing (John 15:5 NKJV)
There is a natural flow of sap through a vine and out to the branches. The branch doesn’t have to work at it. It’s a natural thing. Why, then, does it seem like such a fight and a struggle to be consistent with my daily devotions and listening and journaling what He tells me? I have recently meditated on this question as we fast and pray this January. I believe Holy Spirit revealed to me some keys.
So, how’s my attitude? At 5 am, I admit it’s not pretty! I am not a morning person, and my attitude usually is not conducive to good listening, if you get my drift. So, what is the solution? How do I tune my heart to the spontaneous flow of the Spirit so I can see or hear? Well, this is what I have learned that helps me: I need to pivot my attitude.
A few things that work for me are:
Being thankful. Start your devotions with thanking Jesus for something. “Thank you, Jesus for my coffee. It is especially good this morning.”
Use worship as a coat for the spirit of heaviness (or despair) (see Isaiah 61:3). A coat doesn’t change the weather, but it does protect against it. It can give you a break from stress or anxiety so you can enter his gates with thanksgiving.
Use my God-given imagination to “keep watch to SEE what he will speak to me” (Habakkuk 2:1-3).
I close my eyes with worship playing and imagine myself in a favourite safe spot – e.g., I am sitting on a big rock, and I picture Jesus beside me. I talk to him, and he responds, and I write it down; I “record the vision” (Habakkuk 2:2). This is a key for me eliminating the distractions around me and hearing His voice.
I hope these keys help you as much as they have me.